Saturday 9 July 2016

10 Things You Should Never Do On A Self-Drive Road Trip

1. Avoid Boring Travel Buddy:

On a long journey, it is better to have a road-trip companion who is well versed with directions is energetic and travel with the same set of mind.

2. Budgeting is important:

Be realistic. It is important to make room for unanticipated expenses like an oil change, roadside attractions, tolls, tickets, entrance fees, and other surprises.

3. Don’t drive bad car:

Don’t get stuck in a bad road trip. Driving a car in a wrong way can actually damage the road trip. You need to get a proper tune-up of the vehicle, check tires, battery, A/C, and oil before you hit the road.

4. Never put your feet on dashboard:

You must always keep the foot on the floor. It is safer and in the event of a collision the knees can be slammed into the chest or face.

5. Never drive when you are tired:
Driver fatigue is the main cause of many accidents.  The driver must get a 7-9 hrs of rest in the night before going on a long drive to avoid any accidents. It is very dangerous if the driver is sleep deprived.

6. Not a good idea to DJ in the car:

While listening to music is good but it is not a great idea to play DJ in the car. It may not allow you to concentrate on driving and may lead to an accident.

7. Have more than one GPS:

The are many navigation apps which are able for Android & iPhones. It is highly recommended that you have more than one GPS systems while traveling.

8. Take the off-beat route besides highway.

At times you can take the off-beaten track & may go for many scenic routes. This not just refreshes you but also give the opportunity to see new things.

9. Avoid Fast Food:

One should avoid fast-food in long distance travel. It may cause indigestion and may hamper the driving and may lead to accidents as well.

10. It is advisable to not stay in just any motel.

Myles is India’s first self-drive car company. The self-drive cars we provide bring the required freedom to the travelers. For all our customers we suggest few tips for safe travel on the road.
The time is best to hit the road, now you have access to advanced GPS systems. The cars have become more efficient the roads are improved and the fuel is lot cheaper now. But you can meet a mishap if you don’t plan well. We are going to suggest you few things to avoid the highway hell.
In driving on highways it is highly advisable to not just stay in any hotel. Such circumstances just take some rest when you need it and avoid staying in any non-reputed hotel. 

Enjoy Traveling Myles Self Drive Cars:

We have many car models to make you journey comfortable. You can choose from amongst a wide range of cars and many pick locations across the country.
We cordially invite you to visit our website for complete details and give us an opportunity to serve you.


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