If you are used to booking a car rental with a particular company, then you would have definitely earned several points which can help make your next trip a lot cheaper than what you are used to paying. Most of the additional bonus points which can provide an immediate upgrade go unnoticed, but if you play a bit smart and use these points to your advantage, you can easily get an upgrade that can amplify your next road trip!
Ways in Which You Can Upgrade Your Next Car Rental:
- Get the Plastic Bonus Card:
Almost every car rental company gives out a bonus card to their customers, and the standard ones are mostly free. However, the more premium cars like Platinum or Gold is for the more privileged ones and be a costly investment. Either you get lucky and are chosen as a random draw, or you rent several times and are eligible for any of those cards. This is the easiest way of getting an upgrade. The more points you earn on the card, the more discount you can avail on your next car rental.
- PR Skills Help:
You may automatically assume why and how that can be important, but it is! The better your relationship with those behind the counter, the higher are your chances of getting the extra frills without any extra charges. The relationship between a customer and a client is always a 2-way street and becomes a win-win situation for both if it is based on mutual respect. The car rental company would not want you to go to another car hire and therefore giving an upgrade it not a big loss for them. Therefore, it is best to be on good terms with these guys if you want frequent upgrades.
- Book the Cheapest Car Rentals on a Regular Basis: